segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2014


What is Self Marketing?

Self marketing helps individuals improve their image and reputation to advance their careers. Self marketing is sometimes called personal branding because it uses branding tools to create an image around an employee rather than a product (See also Brand Marketing). It gives candidates more opportunities to effectively communicate their values, skills, experiences, and vision to potential employers. Successful self marketing helps employees separate themselves from the hundreds of other applicants who may be competing for the same job.
There are many strategies that job seekers can use to differentiate themselves. Social networking sites allow self marketers to build profiles where they can show off examples of their work, highlight their experiences, and network with employers. Blogs offer users a chance to demonstrate their expertise and comment on industry trends. Professional conferences present opportunities to connect with employers and make a personal impression, while volunteer work makes a positive statement about the employee’s values.

Tips for Self Marketing

  • Use testimonials – Let the satisfied responses of former clients help to market your services to future clients.
  • Make self marketing a habit – Treat self marketing just like a second job. Dedicate a portion of every day to working on self marketing efforts.
  • Utilize social media – Use sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google + to show off samples and network with potential clients or employers.
  • Post a resume online – Make it easy for employers and clients to find and download a comprehensive resume from the web.
  • Use online forums – Join the conversation in industry related forums and don’t be shy about highlighting experiences and qualifications.
  • Use a 'gravatar' – A gravatar is a “globally recognized avatar and is a picture that appears next to blog posts and discussion board comments.” Using one helps to humanize online activities and promote recognition.
  • Make a case for yourself – Include a section on your personal website that spells out 5-10 explicit reasons why your work is better than others.
  • Use keywords – Using industry related keywords in blog posts, social media profiles, and personal websites makes them easier for employers to find.
  • Market with others – If you maintain a blog, offer to recommend the work of a friend or colleague if they mention you on their own blog.

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